Oh My Sheep! - NekoWeb PINK ReTARDo!

alt test Broken Broken Broken Broken Broken Broken Broken Broken

JesusGod-Pope666.Info (Rainbow is a sign of the pact Between God and Mankind - but I guess people do not want to recall what happened last time the world was rightfully Judged for its lawless criminal transgressions - a global wash to remove all dirtiness from the land!)

Check the source code if you want something, unending progress.

(BANNED on NeoCities.org CENSORED 04Jul2024 NUKED) *NekoWeb PINK TORTURE!!!!*

Old Sheep95 for webpages, Copyright is of the Devil!

It keeps changing as I am testing stuff and sorting out things...

Everything that works, works, everything that breaks, breaks. As is - You will see whatever result!

Oh a Sheep....